Founder partner of the office “Guillermo Hevia y Cia. Arquitectura” in 1986, dedicated to the architectonic design in different areas such as industrial, services, corporate, housing (in height, social, single and collective), educational, and national and international advising in bioclimatic and maintainable architecture. Pioneer in solutions for big industrial plants, he has been granted national and international awards. Many of his projects have received prizes in the Bienal de Arquitectura de Chile (Chilean Architecture Bienal) and in Latin America, being his works also published in specialized magazines and books in Chile, Latin America, Europe and Oceania. GH+A researches and develops new construction and sustainable architectural designs that incorporate BIOCLIMATIC technologies (geothermal, wind), energy saving and environmental protection. On these issues has been a national pioneer and has achieved successful results, which are the subject of study and analysis to academic and professional level. Recent projects have been selected for outstanding publications in Chile, America and Europe, earning awards and recognition.
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